The Three Levels Of Your Self Esteem
The phrase “self-esteem” comes up almost daily in regards to you or someone else’s approach to life and relationships. It is one of the key factors of you getting the same old shit that gives no peace, happiness or joy. Being the foundation you build your life’s desires and dreams on. It’s easy to throw out in conversation about someone else’s low self esteem when making a judgement call. Of course that judgment call is a very thinned veil of your own insecurities. Self-esteem is a neat little package high or low, it has many levels to it and we carry a piece of all of them. Learning to master those levels can be a game changer in learning how to enjoy your life or staying stagnant in a constant state of disappointment and misery.
Knowing which type of self-esteem is predominate in your make-up can give you the overall picture of whether you will succeed in your relationships, career and life in general. Knowledge is power and the one thing the ego does not want is for you to know yourself intimately. If that happens, then you will follow dictation from no-one but yourself and your divine connection.
1. Inflated Self-Esteem in all it’s glorious “look at me” energy shows up when there is a thought process of thinking they are better than others in some capacity and have no doubts about underestimating others and taking every opportunity to demean. This is a common negative version of self-esteem, holding you back from establishing close and healthy relationships. Competitiveness will always be present, having the overwhelming need to be top dog, feeling like a winner, regardless of what it costs to get there. With this type of low self-esteem, happiness will always be found in achieving success over others but never feeling completely fulfilled and happy even when successful. People with inflated self-esteem do not have the ability to hear or see others or to honestly critique themselves as they are usually too busy doing that to someone else. Unless recognized, they are not capable of seeing or correcting their own short comings, so constantly blaming others seems like the perfect excuse. They also follow a pattern of undervaluing others and adopting hostile behavior when challenged.
2. High Self-Esteem is the goal that we are all striving for. When we have it or when we don’t have it, it is always the elephant in the room. We may not know what to call it, but it makes us uncomfortable when not connected with our authentic self. When you have high self-esteem, you accept and value who you are…. flaws and all. It is that positive self-esteem that helps you feel satisfied with your life, regardless if you fail to become the coveted rock star you dreamed of being. Does this mean that you are happy go lucky about every set-back or disappointment, hell no! But what it does give you, is the confidence and courage to face all the challenges that show up and make learn to roll with the outcome. Believing in yourself and trusting in who you are, is what characterizes people who possess this type of self-esteem. They do not feel arrogant, better than others nor doubt the absolute truth of screwing up occasionally. They OWN it and have whatever is necessary to not let negative circumstances throw them off balance.
3. Carrying The Baggage Of Low Self-Esteem is a passive/aggressive blame game and a negative resistance to accepting other points of view. They are usually incapable of having an opinion or action that is self-contained and not dominated by outside influences. People who have very low self-esteem are the exact opposite of those with high self-esteem. There is no feeling of achievement in anything THEY do, accomplish or say unless it is validated by outside leverage nor do they ever see themselves as winners in any situation as they will negate the value of it immediately. Fear of failure torments them on a daily basis and holds them back from taking the risks of change. They are the prototypes of an unhappy person. They gossip about others, carrying the justification of, “If I feel so low, I will somehow feel better if I demean others.” They have moments of illusory euphoria when everything is going well for them but when things start to go bad, their unreal bubble pops quickly. They are easily influenced and if they do give an opinion, are usually unwilling to defend it. Having low self-esteem does make you an unstable person, rather it is more about not trusting your own decisions. Since they have little trust in themselves, undervalue who they really are and have such a great fear of failure, they constantly will look outside of themselves for their answers.
We all have areas of our life where we are insecure and our self-esteem takes the hit. When recognized, the best approach is to change the subconscious programming that is the cause of it. It takes work, dedication and a desire to be someone you like. Your subconscious self thoughts are like a big computer, change the belief software and the behavior will follow. Self-esteem affirmation tracks, subliminal tracks, energy release work, positive books and start hanging out with people that make you feel good about yourself. Not just buddies who you can commiserate with on how your life sucks! Eventually you will notice more things to like and love about yourself.
‘Courage Sans Peur’ (Courage w/o Fear)
To Contact Susan Z Rich:
Author of Soul Windows..Secrets From The Divine on Amazon
If you are interested in learning more about Soul Windows life cycles and how it effects our experiences and choices and help in understanding how to handle the emotions that come with them, you can also look up my book
on Amazon called Soul Windows….Secrets From The Divine by Susan Z Rich. It may help you to see things from a different perspective.