4 min readMar 18, 2021

The Spoken Word Can Create And Destroy

The Emotional Power Of Your Spoken Word

Anyone who has ever stuck their proverbial foot in the mouth and said something they regretted later; doing irreparable damage to a friendship, relationship or saw their promotion going out the door, has experienced a small example of the powerful emotional energy of an unbridled spoken word. The reality is, words spoken from a place other than the heart, we can NEVER take back. They hang in the air surrounding the damage they did. No matter how many “I’m sorry’s” are said, as the saying goes, “Once you see, you cannot un-see.” The same goes with self-absorbed and thoughtless words that carry negative emotions of anger, jealousy, judgment, fear, hate or anything that makes you feel a little more triumphant about yourself and either knowingly or unconsciously exulting in the fact you have just take someone’s ego stepped on it as though it was a cockroach. Regardless if it is intentional or not, once said….done is done.

Each word we speak has a life imprint of its own, a vibratory signature that creates waves into the great expanse of the universe. When we speak or write, we use this vehicle to carry emotional meaning, as well as energy, from ourselves to another person or group of people. Not only reflecting back from the person spoken to but ourselves also. Our words, whether spoken and written, take on a life of their own just by the tone they are conveyed in. When we are conscious of the energy behind our words, we can become capable of creating beautiful relationships and projects of love. If we are unconscious of the power of our words, we run the risk of creating an energetic disturbance that can domino into emotional or physical unwanted results.

“Language shapes our behavior and each word we use is imbued with multitudes of personal meaning. The right words spoken in the right way can bring us love, money and respect, while the wrong words — or even the right words spoken in the wrong way — can lead to a country to war. We must carefully orchestrate our speech if we want to achieve our goals and bring our dreams to fruition.” — quoted from Dr. Andrew Newberg, ‘Words Can Change Your Brain.’

With such a powerful resource at our disposal and the power that lies within them, we get an idea of how our words within any relationship, whether it be work, romantic, friends or family can be altered, uplifting or destroyed by how our words are delivered. Our brains work at high speeds, so it has a tendency of using the same words that have cut a groove into the communication center, repeatedly expressing what is known. Many times, we use the shortcuts of brief cliches or over-explaining ourselves in defense. These shortcuts stop an allowance of real communication between each other and the energetic existence we emotionally connect to everyday.

Words and emotions interweave seamlessly. Out of the 3,000 words we use for emotions, most people feel only about five or six good feelings from a days worth of conversation, usually with only the bad feelings taking center stage. We first tend to get happy and excited, then angry, frustrated, sad, or even depressed. Taking a happy situation and with just a few ill-chosen words, turn those emotions into something that does not feel good. We most often do not choose our words consciously to describe our emotions and feelings. Instead, using habitual words that we unconsciously attach to them. The challenge is that the words we attach to our experience become our experience. Words have a biochemical effect on the body. The minute you use a word like “devastated” you’re going to produce a very different biochemical effect than if you say, “I’m a bit disappointed.” Bottom line, unless you are on stage acting out Shakespeare, the less drama you keep out of your vocabulary, the better the communication results.

Change your words, change your life. It is very feasible that our words we attach to an experience, actually become your experience, then your reality. Your words have a biochemical effect on your brain, which if not recognized, allows our 4-year-old ego (inner child) to gain control over the conversation. Then we are all in trouble. It is a small but important shift of vocabulary to describe the emotions within us that can be a life transforming experience. For example: Instead of saying: “you really pissed me off!” to “I am a little angry at you because of such and such.” YOU own the statement, not push the responsibility of having to defend themselves from the beginning of the conversation.

Intellectually, it sounds like similar interpretations but if you test it in your daily experience, you’ll see the difference. Using kinder definitions of your emotions and feelings rather than aggressive ones. What would your life be like if you took all your negative vocabulary and emotions and lowered their intensity? More fulfilling, calmer, more self-satisfying and filled with cooperation instead of adversity.

‘Courage Sans Peur’ (Courage w/o Fear)
To Contact Susan Z Rich:

Author of Soul Windows..Secrets From The Divine on Amazon
If you are interested in learning more about Soul Windows life cycles and how it effects our experiences and choices and help in understanding how to handle the emotions that come with them, you can also look up my book on Amazon called Soul Windows….Secrets From The Divine by Susan Z Rich. It may help you to see things from a different perspective.

Written by

Susan Z Rich is an Intuitive Counselor, Life Coach, Emotional Addiction Counselor, author of Soul Windows…Secrets From The Divine on

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