‘Soul Windows’..Following Your Spiritual Life Cycles

6 min readMay 2, 2020


There are life cycle patterns in which the divine or higher self, life coaches us through what is called a Soul Window. The windows opens at certain ages with energetic command signals designed by you before incarnation, prompting growth and change. As baby boomers are hitting the most challenging Soul Window of Chiron Return (mid-life redo and reset) and the young generation is experiencing the new Aquarian energy of instant karma, all the old paradigms of beliefs and foundations are crumbling. These Soul Windows were designed to allow you to make connection with your divine self or the watcher for a pep talk and/or new game plan for the next life cycle. Like a divine life coach calling you to the sideline and giving the next plays on your life journey. Those energetic changes allow you the opportunity to find your “Muchness” (all that you can be) and to let your “God Sparkle” light the way to another chapter in your life. These Soul Windows were designed to help us experience a life journey to the fullest. Otherwise, you would see grandmothers walking around with bows in their hair and still carrying their Barbie dolls. Lol!

Challenging Old Paradigms

As a seasoned intuitive, emotional addiction counselor, author, motivational speaker, workshop facilitator and holistic therapist of over twenty five years, I have listened to considerably different versions of life’s challenges. The one question that repeatedly came up was, “Why is this happening to me in my life now”? I asked the same question when one of became a personal health challenge of Stage Four Breast cancer 20 years ago. In the face of medical doctors telling me I have (tops) 5 months if I don’t go the full gamut of surgery, radiation and chemotherapy, I chose to heal follow a natural path and heal without the medical field butchering, poisoning or burning me with their options. Through a systematic and guided process of staying energetically observant to the similarities of life cycles everyone goes through, I was able to see a pattern of divine communication guiding us through these different cycles in life. These communications used to assist the soul living out its scripted life journey. Those communications (which I labeled Soul Windows) are scheduled life cycle signals, prompting change and growth. When the coding signals are activated, it opens a Soul Window.

You could compare a Soul Window to a memo sent to the dreaming soul living out it’s incarnation, to look at what your next life change adventure will begin to happen. Meaning, what did you come here to do, accomplish, release or possibly finish and is it now time?

Common Sense Spirituality

Maybe the approach to understanding why we do what we do should be called: “Common Sense Spirituality”. Considering the over the top mystical approach to healing is usually what keeps people from grasping the concept that in the end, it is all YOU. No angels, no mystical beings, no punishing or rewarding God, (they always like the part of a non-punishing God but are never thrilled with the idea of a God who does not reward for good behavior) no heaven to reach nor hell to be in fear of. This life is just your beautiful soul having a wonderful adventure from a script that you wrote. I am not saying angels and all our wonderful light beings are not there to help, they are just all a reflection of you and your beliefs. One of my favorite sayings to get that point across is, “If you wrote the script for your life, then I would guess you can rewrite it”. Soul Windows open important life markers which help to see you have the power to make changes in your life script.

As baby boomers have been hitting the most challenging Soul Window of Chiron Return in the past 20 years (the 50-year birth cycle),the younger generations are experiencing the shock waves of changes the baby boomer generation caused in the ethereal webbing. Causing tears in human nature of how things had been done, thought to be right without question and followed an old pardigm of “If it was good enough for my parents, then it is good enough for me. Actually you can blame sound vibrations starting the awakening process….Rock and Roll! Yes, I did just say that! The music notes in the the new sound introduced in the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s brought in the beginning of old foundations to crumble. Soul Windows allow you to make that connection with your inner Divine self, get a spiritual pep talk and a new game plan for your next life cycle in this incarnation. Something like your divine life coach calling you to the sidelines and giving the next plays in your life game, which by the way, YOU wrote. Helping you to find your “Muchness” and to let your “God Sparkle” shine! I hope the information I was gifted to me and sharing with you will help you experience this life journey in more joy and enlighten you with a few “Aha, that makes so much sense” moments.

There are six major Soul Windows acting as a handbook, helping the soul complete what it came here to accomplish. Your life was carefully scripted by only YOU, making sure the divine-self would be available to help realize that journey. Keeping you on track with opening those designated Soul Windows to coach and communicate. Here are some condensed excerpts from the book “Soul Windows..Secrets From The Divine” explaining how they work.

First Soul Window: The Awakening is 4 to 6 years old. The soul begins to realize they are in another incarnation but still attached to past life memories, imprints and a maternal need to feel grounded in their new life. The “veil” of being part of the vast oneness has not yet fully dropped.

Second Soul Window: The attitude of “This Life Is Mine” begins! Around 15 years old, the soul is now fully aware they have a new life that belongs only to them. That is where the teenage attitude starts!

Third Soul Window: From 22 to 30 years of age, the beginning of “Making Grownup Future Choices” come into play such as getting serious about a career, starting to think about wanting to nest in with marriage and children to leave behind hereditary footprints.

Fourth Soul Window:” OMG! I Just Found A Wrinkle” and hits between the ages of 32 to 39. This is when you realize you are not going to be young forever and are actually going to get old.

Fifth Soul Window: Around 39 to 46 is “Feeling Our Mortality.” We begin to comprehend there is an end game to this adventure we call life. We start looking at what our life will possibly be like older and how we envision that.

Sixth Soul Window: This is what is called Chiron Return…a reset, redo, clean out, start over, bring up old buried issues and the higher self, making query to the soul, “Are you accomplishing what you came here to do?” This starts around 47 and can last all the way through your 60’s. It is when the dreaming soul is fully awake and vulnerable to the guidance of the higher self. With free will…. your choices are one to take full accountability for what is not working in your life and make changes though spiritual awareness or go into ego and fall even deeper down the rabbit hold of blame, bitterness and negativity. The second does not end well for the final days of the your life adventure with a deteriorating body, hopelessness and giving up. This brings an early end of life or one that is not very attractive or useful. The final Soul Windows are smaller, closer together and helps you ready for the return trip home.

All one has to do is go through an old photo album from childhood, teen years, young adult to maturity and see how we made choices that molded our future self. It is reassuring to know that when we designed this life adventure, we brought a lot of help and our own personal divine life coach.

‘Courage Sans Peur’ (Courage w/o Fear)
To Contact Susan Z Rich:
Author of Soul Windows..Secrets From The Divine on Amazon

If you are interested in learning more about Soul Windows life cycles and how it effects our experiences and choices and help in
understanding how to handle the emotions that come with them, you can also look up my book
on Amazon called Soul Windows….Secrets From The Divine by Susan Z Rich. It may help you to see things from a different perspective.

Written By Susan Z Rich




Written by szrich@aol.com

Susan Z Rich is an Intuitive Counselor, Life Coach, Emotional Addiction Counselor, author of Soul Windows…Secrets From The Divine on Amazon.com

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