1 min readMay 13, 2020


My first question is: are you a mother of a bi-racial child? I am, and raised a daughter when it was still considered that the only “White” women who involved themselves with a black men were trailer trash, strippers, prostitutes or too fat and ugly to get a white guy. I was a beautiful and educated redhead. I am now in my 70’s and have watched my own beautiful bi-racial daughter just turn 50. A redhead, yes she was, but having lived through those hateful beginnings of NO ONE accepting bi-racial relationships and their children as a norm, regardless of whether you think the fat ass Kardashian family has misrepresented little brown bi-racial children to black women, I for one am happy to see it becoming a norm for a bi-racial child to see others like them being accepted and with NO burning cross on their lawn. Just sayin, from a white woman who lived through the N… hate and still followed my heart to have a beautiful bi-racial child who grew up with NO prejudices for anyone…black or white.



Written by

Susan Z Rich is an Intuitive Counselor, Life Coach, Emotional Addiction Counselor, author of Soul Windows…Secrets From The Divine on

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