I am far from what you would term as a 'Karen' in this 'Black Lives Matter' revolution (another one) to actually have an unbiased outlook from the front row. This article is focused, as so many others, in the past of black men and women being murdered in the name of upholding justice and the law.
I am a 60's product of the braless, weed smoking, an R&B fan and a rebellious 15 year old white girl falling in love with a bi-racial boy. We went on to weather the name calling, threats, being disowned by family, etc., having a beautiful daughter during our time together.
As an emotional addiction counselor, your article held many undertones of wanting "SOMEBODY"!!!!! to make up for all the times when a black man didn't have the choice of being the one in power. At some point, we all have to embrace our humanity, both bad and good, white and non-white, and make a decision to heal versus retaliation. We have lived that route since the beginning of Civil Rights and it has not made anything go away or get better. I believe what Christian Cooper did was just that, seeing our humanity and embracing his. It's time to start seeing the human frailties on all sides and begin the healing with heart instead of taking an opportunity to grind your centuries long oppressor into the ground because of the thousands times in the past that you couldn't. Just sayin.